Volunteer Information
Thank you for offering to volunteer your time at a Play for Patrick Youth Heart Screening. Our volunteers come from several local communities, businesses and various health care organizations for one purpose ~ to assure the youth in our community are Heart Safe.
The location of our screenings will be posted on our Screening Schedule: https://playforpatrick.org/screening-schedule
Check In And Agenda
Volunteer Check-in Station
When you arrive, check in at the Volunteer Check-in Station. Volunteer shifts are as follows:
- Volunteer Check-in - please arrive at 7:45
- Full Day volunteer - 8AM - 4PM - please arrive between 8:00 and 8:15
- AM Volunteer 8AM - 12PM - please arrive between 8:00 and 8:15
- PM Volunteer shift 12pm - 4PM - Please join us for lunch prior to your shift
- Clean Up Volunteer Shift - 4PM - completion
Screening Agenda
- 8:00-8:30: Volunteer check in
- 8:30-8:40: AM Team Huddle-Welcome
- 8:40-9:00: Report to stations-Receive instructions
- 9:00-12:00: Morning session
- 11:30-12:30: Lunch for AM & PM Volunteers/PM Volunteer Check in
- 12:30-12:40 PM Team Huddle-Welcome
- 12:40-1:00 Report to stations-Receive instructions
- 1:00-4:00 Afternoon Session
- 4:00-5:00 Pack up/Clean up (P4P Team members/Community volunteers)
How will I know what to do?
Each “Volunteer Station” will have specific instructions pertaining to your station for you to follow. At most events, after the huddle a brief volunteer training will happen just prior to the screening start.
Hospitality Room & Lunch
A continental breakfast and afternoon snack/drinks will be provided. Lunch will also be provided and generally is between 12:00PM and 1:00 PM. Please take time to re-energize throughout your day by visiting the hospitality and lunchrooms.
ECG/EKG Tech Volunteers
- You will be using a handheld EKG machine by CardeaScreen. The company has provided two videos for you to watch prior to volunteering so that all EKG volunteers can perform EKG’s consistently. HTTPs://www.cardiacinsightinc.com/insights/cardiac-insight-university/cardea-20-20-ecg-and-the-pre-participation-exam/
- Please review the attached videos prior to the screening: Electrode Placement Training (5:04min) & ECG Heart Screening With CardeaScreen (8:22min).
- Each EKG will be hooked up to a laptop computer and printer. One medical volunteer will explain the EKG process while getting the student set-up. A second volunteer will be responsible for computer data entry of the student’s Heart Health Survey information and printing of the EKG. The data entry is minimal.
What to wear and bring
Please dress casual/comfortable. We will provide you with a Play For Patrick T-shirt at the event. If you have volunteered in the past, please wear your Play for Patrick T-shirt. NO Lab Coats, Medical Scrubs or Work Uniforms please. We want the kids to have fun, learn & relax and not think of this as a “medical” visit.
Medical Volunteers: if you have signed up for a medical volunteer position that requires a stethoscope, please bring yours to the event to use.