Lakeville Screening Results
April 10, 2022
Lakeville High School Heart Screen Results
- 210 kids (188 boys/92 girls) screened
- 177-Normal.
- 14-Elevated Blood Pressure after repeated check.
- 13-Normal with minor variant (Small PFO, T wave inversion, L SVC, Mild flow acceleration in LPA, Trivial PR, Mild RV enlargement & TR).
- 6-Abnormal (BAV with mild AI, Possible RCA, ASD, BBB & MVP, Mild Dilated Aorta, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy-HCM).
We are thankful for our volunteers. Especially our Cardiologists, MDs, PAs, Sonographers, ECG techs and nurses. Thanks to all the participants for taking advantage of our free event and to the donors who keep our screens free.
A special thanks to Activities Director Mike Zweber, the staff, and students at Lakeville North High School for letting us use this wonderful space, promoting the heart screen and making it happen.
Our next screen is Saturday October 29th @ Eastview High School in Apple Valley
#Playwithheart #PlayforPatrick