In memoriam

Kaylyn Rosewell
Kaylyn Rosewell collapsed and survived two cardiac arrests at a dance recital on June 2, 2019.
16 year-old Kaylyn Rosewell is a competitive dancer who has been dancing since age 7. She collapsed during a costume change near the end of a studio recital. An EMT, nurses, and doctors who were in attendance at the performance administered CPR and used an AED twice while an ambulance was in route. Kaylyn had a PFO and displaced artery corrected with open chest surgery and an ICD was placed in her chest to protect her from any future arrests, pending confirmation of an ARVC diagnosis.
Kaylyn’s conditions were only detectable through an MRI or CT scan. Bystanders trained in CPR and AED use saved her life and avoided any neurological damage. She survived to dance again.